Visitor Guidelines

Screening guidelines are posted at the entrance for self-evaluation. If you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms listed on the guidelines, please refrain from entering the facility.

Each patient may be allowed up to two (2) caregivers/ visitors to help improve the patient’s safety, emotional well- being, physical care, and overall experience. Caregivers/visitors are allowed to swap out over the course of the visit. Certain exceptions depending on patient needs will be determined by the care team.

COVID-19 positive patients and/or patients with suspected COVID-19 may have one (1) caregiver/visitor. The caregiver/visitor should wear a mask at all times and remain in the COVID patient’s room. Please do not visit the cafeteria, gift shop or other common areas.

Visitor compliance with the guidelines below is required, and, if not followed, may result in removal from the facility:

  • Must wear a mask while visiting patients that are on designated Isolation Precautions.
  • Must agree to practice appropriate hand hygiene
  • Depending on certain procedural areas, there may be additional restrictions

Departments with Special Visitation Guidelines

  • Behavioral Health Visitation hours include Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. by appointment only.
  • ICU Visitation is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and 8 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Only two (2) visitors may be allowed in the patient ICU room at a time, but visitors may rotate during visiting hours.
  • Women’s Medical Center: The number of visitors allowed at the bedside at any given time may be restricted based on acuity/status of the patient, patient need for rest/ sleep/ privacy, space or furniture available in the room, and/or seasonal restrictions.
    • OBED – To assist with comfort and privacy for our patients, only one visitor can accompany our patients to the OBED Triage area. If necessary, visitors may swap out.
    • Delivery – Up to 3 total people, with physician approval, may be in the room at delivery (Number includes significant other, photographer, doula, etc.).
    • Cesarean Section – Only 1 person allowed in the operating room. If general anesthesia is used, no visitors permitted.
    • NICU- The parents (the mother & father/ significant other) with up to 2 additional visitors (> 12 years old) may visit any time, 24 hours a day.
    • Big Brother/ Big Sister (of the newborn) visitation is limited to 8am-10pm
    • Women’s OR - Preop and Post op- two visitors permitted.